Education & Training
2022 Qualification in Life and Social Counseling (Psychological Counseling)
2015-2018 Specialized Psychotherapy Studies „Psychoanalytically Oriented Psychotherapy,“ Vienna Psychoanalytic Academy
2018 wba Certification: Certified Adult Educator
2013-2015 Preparational Psychotherapy Studies, Vienna Psychoanalytic Academy
2002-2011 Master Studies in Education Science, University of Vienna
2006-2008 Teaching Certificate for German as a Second Language, University of Vienna
2006 Exchange Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Professional Experience
Since 2024 Psychological Counseling, Self-Employed
Since 2014 Educational and Career Counseling, waff
2013-2017 Psychotherapeutic Internships in Social Psychiatry, at Hemayat (Support Center for Torture and War Survivors), at Austrian Autistic Aid
2011-2013 Social, Educational and Career Counseling, Interface Vienna
2005-2011 Teacher of German as a Second Language, Interface Vienna